
Mors Vincit Omnia - Bicycle Playing Cards

Created by Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary

The first ever Bicycle playing card deck by Shawn Coss and Any Means Necessary is available now for pre order!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 04:34:05 PM

It's been a few since our last update. Wanted to first say thank you all for being diligent on answering and updating your addresses and surveys. We only have 48 more people that need to lock in their info but we still have time so we're not dropping the cut off hammer down just yet.

On the card printing side of things, we sent off all the art to USPCC and had to make a few adjustments on the files to get them to print just right. Currently we are in the mock up phase where they will show us the proofs of the finished product, from there we place the order and await for their arrival!

That's it for now. A little light, but something to hold over the hunger.

Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary

Get ya Survey!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 01:59:58 AM

Hey everyone!

   It's been about a week since we've sent out the first survey batch. And we're excited to find that 611 out of 763 of you have answered. That's pretty amazing for the first batch. 

But of course, there's those who didn't heed our warnings about checking your email junk/spam folders or using a correct email. 

We're gonna resend it out. You have 22 days left before we lock the orders in (you'll still be able to edit your address in case you move).

We can't finalize the kickstarter rewards and get everything shipped out in a timely manner until everyone fills out their surveys. But if it gets tooo late then those who didn't fill em out will have to reach out to us so we can send them the survey. 

Get on it!

Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary

Surveys are out!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 09:47:43 PM

Hey everyone!

Now hopefully you all have been listening on checking that email!

We've also put in addon's so in case you wanted something extra from the Kickstarter now you can!

*** The email will show up as Shawn & Michael 

Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary

We did it!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 11:32:00 PM

Here we are! The kickstarter is over and we're so very thankful for all of you who backed it, shared it, or told someone about it. We couldn't have done it without any of you. 

Now onto what's next.

It takes a few weeks for Kickstarter to process all of the payments , take their cut, and then distribute the funds to us. Once those funds are sent over, we can send over our order to Bicycle and proofing begins. According to our Bicycle rep, it can be up to 1-2 weeks for them to get the cards proof ready. Once approved, production begins and turn around time is 4-6 weeks. 

During that time that we are waiting, we will be opening up pre orders for those who missed out on the campaign window, or couldn't use a credit card and wanted a paypal option. We will be posting an update once the pre orders are available. 

While all this is happening, now would be a good time to double check your email and to make sure you're receiving updates from us and or Kickstarter. We all hate getting junk mail but if you want these cards and exclusives that you've paid for, we suggest verifying you're using an email you have access to.

Also, the emails will give you access to your surveys. This is where you update your mailing address/shipping address, claim the rewards you backed and add on any additional items you want to tag on. So maybe you wanted the shirt, but only one deck, now you have that option.

We can't stress enough, to take your time with your survey, read it over, and make sure you don't miss out on anything. Also, be sure that your credit card is up to date. 

With that, we thank you all and we'll continue to update this as production starts!

Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary 

30K Stretch Goal Reached!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 11:50:34 PM

Sorry for the delay! We've been busy getting these cards ready for print since so many of you are demanding them. 

We can't thank you all enough, and excited that we hit the 30k stretch goal which unlocks the numbered Kickstarter exclusive stamp seal. 

With only 5 days left, we're unsure if we can hit that 40k goal BUT if all of you share this project we might just be able to.

We have some ideas for the next goal but want to wait and see if we get closer to it. If we can hit 36k in the next 3 days we'll reveal the next stretch goal. If not, we appreciate everything and can't wait for you to get these cards.

Double check those emails! 

Shawn & Michael - Any Means Necessary